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The evolving landscape of gene therapy for congenital severe hemophilia: a 2024 state of the art
Editor-in-Chief: Giovanni de Gaetano, Italy | eISSN: 2785-5309
A systematic review should be introduced by a general summary of content in the form of an Abstract. Following a short introduction, putting the study into context and defining the aim, reviews will concentrate on the most recent developments in the field. A review should clearly describe the search strategy followed (key words, inclusion, exclusion criteria, search engines, ...). No particular format is required; headings should be used to designate the major divisions of the paper. Metaanalyses should quote the guidelines followed (e.g.: Prisma, Cochrane...). A particular form of review is the narrative review, which has no specified literature research strategy, and does not necessarily include all pertinent literature. [4000 words max, abstract 250 words max, 3/5 tables and/or figures]